University of St Andrews


School of Medicine handbook for staff & students

PGR matriculation and induction

This page is under development The University policy for registration and induction of postgraduate research students can be found at this link. Matriculation Matriculation is the process of registering as a student with the University and is compulsory for all...

PGR recruitment and application

This page is under development The University policy for Admission of postgraduate research students can be found on the University website. PGR recruitment process flowchart PGR recruitment and application roles and responsibilities for applicant, supervisor(s), PG...

PGR contacts

In addition to the staff listed on the School’s website the main contacts in the School of Medicine are: Director of Postgraduate Studies (Research) Dr Jaclyn Pearson [email protected] PGR Administrator Sandra Fleming [email protected] PGR...

PGR information and processes

Information on PGR studies at the School of Medicine for staff and students from recruitment to graduation.  This links to University policies and School of Medicine specific information where required.  Further advice can be obtained from [email protected] PGR...