School assessment policy and information with FAQs, S Coding, exam dates, deferred exams and missed exams and assessment dates and deadlines. What to do if you miss an assessment.
School of Medicine > Handbook > Document Search
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Professionalism and Standards
Advice for students on professionalism and standards, including information on good medical practice, good academic practice, dress codes and the use of social media. Link to the GMC’s Outcomes for Graduates.
ScotGEM Admissions and Entry
Admissions information for applicants and students
ScotGEM (MBChB) Programme Guides and Regulations
The Programme Guide, Regulations and Year guide(s)
Exam Process
Staff resources for the structure, process and policy of exams, including marking practical exams and invigilation
ScotGEM Year 3 Student Placement Allocation Policy and Procedures
Vacational Scholars (Summer Project Students)
Information for students on summer projects, vacation scholarships and holiday placements
ScotGEM Year 2 Placement Allocation Policy and Procedures
Year 2 of the ScotGEM programme gives all students the opportunity to spend time living and studying in three of our partner health boards. The policy describes how allocations to Year 2 placements are made, including guidance on special circumstances.
Fitness to Practise (FtP)
Link to University and School FtP policies
ScotGEM student contract
Professionalism standards for ScotGEM
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