University of St Andrews


School of Medicine handbook for staff & students

PGR progress reviews

All PGR students undergo regular progress reviews. For PhD students these take place at 4 months, 1 year, and annually thereafter (interim reviews are held for part-time students).  For MSc (Res) students, there is only 1 progress review at 5 months. Each student is...

PGR recruitment and application

This page is under development The University policy for Admission of postgraduate research students can be found on the University website. PGR recruitment process flowchart PGR recruitment and application roles and responsibilities for applicant, supervisor(s), PG...

Registering, Signing in, Logging Out

Much of the content in Med Handbook is openly available, however University of St Andrews users may view some additional content by registering. To register (or sign in again if you have already registered), simply click the link in the Administration panel on the...