Medals are awarded to the top students in each year, based on performance in all modules. The list of medal winners will be published in Data Warehouse and printed in the graduation programme. Medals are also recorded on student’s transcript.
The Prizes awarded by the school are listed in the prizes policy
The Deans’ List
See university webpage. This is an annual award for academic excellence, promoted by the Deans of the University. Undergraduate students who achieve an outstanding overall result in the course of an academic year have their names inscribed on the Deans’ List, an honour which will also appear on the University transcript. The criteria for the award are strict. Any student who meets all the criteria and who obtains a credit-weighted mean grade of 16.5 or above for the year will be recorded on the Deans’ List. The rules will be adapted for part-time students, who must achieve the minimum credit-weighted mean of 16.5 in 120 credits taken part-time over no more than three academic sessions. Being on the Dean’s list for an academic year does not automatically mean the student has been in the top 20% of students for that year. Typically a mean of 17.5 is required to be the top 20% of students.
The Head of School and Director of Teaching decide who is to be awarded the prizes and medals, normally 2 weeks before graduation. Prize and Medal winners will be informed by letter from Head of School. The Head of School’s PA will upload the prize and medal winners on an on-line system. Prize and Medal winners’ names then appear on the students’ transcripts. Finance office discusses what prizes are to be paid and from what accounts.
Other Transcript entries
In addition to prizes, medals and Deans’ List the winners of the Wolfson Intercalated Degree Award, the Medical Research Scotland Scholarship, the Melville Trust Scholarship and the School of Medicine Vacation Scholarships will be listed in students’ transcripts.