University of St Andrews


School of Medicine handbook for staff & students
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Mentoring and Mediation

The School’s Mentoring Policy and links to the university policies.
More information for mentors and mentees can be found on the University webpages here
Quick Link to the  Mentoring Scheme sign-up page for mentors and mentees.

Mediation provides an effective framework to address the range of disagreements and disputes that inevitably occur wherever people work together. Mediation acknowledges the connection between wellbeing and positive relationships.
Mediators seek to create a safe, informal environment, for participants to collaboratively consider the contentious issues, and to seek solutions through dialogue in a non-hierarchical manner. It is voluntary and confidential.  Mediators act impartially and will not mediate in situations where they have had previous involvement that suggests there may be a conflict of interest. Within the standard limits of the law, everything discussed throughout the mediation is kept private.
Mediation generally has a two-stage process:

  1. A mediator meets each party separately, to listen to the individual perspectives and to consider the possible benefits of a subsequent joint meeting.
  2. The intention of a joint meeting is to open dialogue, to understand the different perspectives, to generate and explore possible options and to seek a mutually agreeable outcome.

The University has two trained mediators available, more coming.  Section 6 of the Dignity and Respect at Work policy encourages consider of informal resolution of difficulties and mediation is such an option.
The Mediation Service operates separately from Human Resources and other units and services in the University.  As ever, advice on approaching conversations about difficult issues is still available from Human Resources Business Partners and now there is the additional option of contacting me at [email protected]