Bespoke elearning resources can be developed using Articulate Storyline with assistance from LT team staff. These resources are hosted on the University’s Moodle.
If you have enquiries about developing elearning materials, start by emailing details to medhelpdesk. LT staff will contact you to arrange a meeting to discuss further, and explain the approval process for developing new elearning materials.
- current School of Medicine elearning resources on Moodle
- Articulate Storyline elearning projects on MedInternal
Working with an eLearning designer
Medical Demonstrators discuss their experience of working with LT team to make new elearning materials:
The process
Typically the design process for developing an elearning project at the School of Medicine is as follows:
Awaiting go ahead
A brief outline of project sent to the LT Team line manager [Stuart Murray] for approval.
LT Team line manager advises designer. A designer is assigned after approval. The designer arranges to meet client to define eLearning to be developed.
Work in Progress
Designer and client work iteratively on the eLearning project, meeting as required. Interim versions of the project will be put in a private online location to assist the process. This stage will usually also include limited testing by some students.
When all agreed changes are complete, the eLearning project is published on Moodle.
Project resources are archived to the School of Medicine’s media archive share.