University of St Andrews


School of Medicine handbook for staff & students
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Galen Portfolio

Quick Description

Each student has a personalised portolio which provides a comprehensive insight into each student. Different sections of the portfolio show student details, any areas of concerns, clinical allocatons, exam feedback as well as providing a area for students to upload evidence of achievements and workdone.This evidence section of the Galen Portfolio provides students with an online system for submission, organisation, assessment and reflection on written work.

Evidence – an overview

The creation and keeping of a portfolio is an important part of the Professional strand of the curriculum.   The direction and content of the portfolio forms part of overall curriculum plan. Students are encouraged through a series of integrated guided tasks to develop an individual portfolio. The portfolio focuses on the planning, recording and recording of evidence of learning.
The portfolio leads for the School are Dr Mark Ford (mf211) and Julie Struthers (jes10). Any questions on the educational aspects of the portfolio should be directed to either of them. If a staff member wishes to create portfolio tasks then they should first contact the appropriate module organiser or one of the portfolio leads above. All additions/ changes to the curriculum need to go through the teaching committee.
This document primarily focuses on the technical aspects of the electronic portfolio within Galen and its functionality.
The Galen electronic portfolio tool is a very versatile tool which allows for the easy management of portfolio tasks for both staff and students.
Students’ submissions can be assigned for marking, viewed by personal tutors or showcased to the world. Feedback can be provided by a matrix solution or using the attached blog. The tool allows the tasks to be self-assessed and peer reviewed. Students view their tasks from a ‘To do list’ which automatically removes the tasks from the list when they are completed. Galen reminds students when deadlines are due.


are created by staff based on an Element and are addressed by students by providing ‘Evidence’.


This is the basic unit of data in the Galen Portfolio and is created by students either in response to a staff generated Task or as a separate piece of work. A piece of Evidence can include a

  1. version controlled pdf evidence file
  2. MedVu2 video link
  3. blog, useable by anyone authorised to see the evidence.


Portfolio Tasks and Evidence can be set for a variety of assessment methods.

  1. Not For Assessment.

This evidence will not require assessment.

  1. Student Self-assessment.

Students are expected to assess this evidence themselves.

  1. Student Peer-assessment.

Students should share this evidence with a peer who should then assess it.

  1. Staff/Tutor Assessment.

This evidence should be assessed by a staff member.
During the assessment process a user can add…
1)             their choice from a selection of assessment options (Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, etc.).
2)             an updated version of the evidence file.
3)             version controlled pdf feedback and/or assessment files.
4)             one or more blog entries.
Once assessed, evidence should be marked as ‘Completed’ by the assessor.

Student Functions

Students can
i)               upload individual, versioned, pdf formatted ‘Evidence’ files.
ii)             receive videos from MedVu2 as portfolio Evidence.
iii)            assign Evidence to tasks set by staff.
iv)           organise Evidence into folders and share those folders with other students and staff.
v)             communicate with other authorised users through an Evidence specific Blog.
vi)           assess their own and fellow student’s Evidence where the appropriate assessment method is set, including adding versioned feedback files.
vii)          provide a showcase of selected Evidence for external review.

Staff Functions

Staff can
i)        add, review and amend portfolio tasks for their Elements
ii)       view, comment on and assess Evidence either shared with them by students or assigned by students to their tasks.
The LT team are availble to provide training on the use of the ePortfolio