The Learning Technology team
The use of technology has become a fundamental part of personal and professional life. An explosion of data and information is available to both staff and students and the challenges are how best to use, or tailor this information to support learning, teaching and research. In addition there is little tolerance of delay in accessing this information or support for technical issues.
Key challenges for the Medical School are how to keep at the forefront of innovation in Medical Education teaching and maintain the high level of student satisfaction. To this end staff are looking for effective and innovative ways to engage students with their learning and improve the student experience. Inevitably these innovations involve the use of technology and more recently focus has shifted towards the potential of mobile devices to support learning.
The provision of an in house Learning Technology team , that is not only closely aware of School policies and initiatives but has a key role in determining these, has meant that the School of Medicine has been able to establish and maintain a greater level of awareness of systems and services available to staff. For example the Curriculum Management Systems, Galen, has 100% by-in by staff. Also the presence of in-house, on demand technical support provides staff with the support and confidence to be creative and innovative with their teaching.
The main role of the Learning Technology team is to transform curriculum delivery through the use of technology.
Staff are invited to contact the Learning Technology team for further information.
See the LT team profile and management.
Learning Technology in the School of Medicine
The MBS building was built with sate of art technology. This allowed a number of new learning technologies to be implemented to support the curriculum. The introduction of these technologies was led by the Learning Technology team in collaboration with the Director of teaching and other academics. These include
- Audience response system (clickers)
- OSCE management
- Digital Signage
- Video conference
- PACs
- Flipping the classroom (Nearpod].
Video technologies
The School of Medicine is at the cutting edge of using digital media for learning and teaching. A number of projects involving videos have required the expertise and dedication of an in-house digital media developer. These include:
- Lecture capture/ echoes
- Video capture system(existing and new development)
- Communication skills videos
- Clinical Skills videos
- OSCE videos
- Ward Sim
- Teaching Videos
- Promotional videos.