NHS Careers
Clinical Academic Training & Careers Hub
University Careers Centre
The Careers Centre, situated at 6 St Mary’s Place, can help students make the most of their time at St Andrews. The Careers Centre offers a wide range of services including:
See their website and ‘using your degree‘ pages.
The Job Shop for part-time jobs in the St Andrews area
National Insurance (NI) numbers can be arranged by the Careers Centre
One-to-one careers advice on issues including working out a career path, preparing CVs and job applications, postgraduate study, work experience and preparing for interview
• Events led by careers advisers and employers to enhance skills on topics such as making successful applications, tackling interviews and assessment centres, improving your presentation skills and many more
• Careers fairs and employer presentations providing an opportunity to meet top graduate employers in St Andrews, get an insight into their organisations and find out more about graduate opportunities
• Resources to connect with St Andrews alumni and develop networking skills
• Career sector-specific information covering popular graduate careers and work experience
• An extensive range of paper-based materials including books on short loan and career magazines and journals
Tax issues
The BMA provide a guide to tax issues and allowable expenses for medical practitioners. For more information on self-employment and setting up a limited company visit HMRC website.